I was a tattoo master for a charming mature lady on the weekend. Wow, I was very surprised to know she works as a teacher in a small village school. Feb. 03
I suppose all people do it. WHen your student becomes really good in what you have taught her ... you feel like you won a prize! Jan. 24
I recently became a ... TEACHER!! Can't believe it still! I am teaching the art of tattoo design to a student. She is a girl and dreams to become a good master. Jan. 14
Listening to the Speed of Sound by Coldplay. I close my eyes and see myself in a car with my man. He drives through the Winter road and it snows. Very beautiful vision Jan. 09
It was a weird dream I had last night. I saw myself with blonde hair. And - heh - it was NOT that bad) But very unusual. Maybe I should think about it?)) Jan. 07
Wow, I didn't know that January can be so warm and welcoming even though it is a Winter month! It is sweet to get back to your routine! Jan. 06
I so much loved being with my family for holidays! Poland is a beautiful and welcoming country! Family is a number one goal for the nest year for me! Jan. 05
It is time to pack and go to see my parents. Christmas in Poland is one of the most amazing and beautiful times of the year! Dec. 20
It is just weird, but somehow I can't now watch full movies. My mind is able to accept TV series only. One by one. Now watching Barbarians. Good in the beginning. Dec. 11
Hello Autumn! I finally got the heating on! Although I do love to wear warm socks and sweater in the evening at home. Oct. 28
I love my new red hair color that I am trying. They say it brings a good luck. I am hoping that is true! Oct. 23